Margin of Error – Part 2
Last time, I posted Part 1 of the beginning of my novel in development, “Margin of Error”. Here’s a continuation of that….
“So, you think this will keep the project protected?” Sean asked.
Helen’s eyes darted about the room, exploring for signs someone from outside could be privy to their conversation. She nodded. “It’s a stretch, but it’s the best I could come up with considering the situation. I took care of Bill and myself last week. If you will let me . . .”
Abraham gasped. “My God, Helen. You did yourself?”
“Desperate times – desperate measures, Abe. Besides, who else was gonna do it? Bill’s the only other surgeon and he’s in Bujumbura with Van Ross from headquarters. As soon as he gets back, he and Sean are heading to Kinshasa.”
Sean nodded. “That’s right. But what about Abe? He’s a physician.”
“Research pathologist and internist, you ass,” Abraham spit. “You know damn well I haven’t held a scalpel since medical school.”
“Come on, guys, there’s no time for that,” Helen said. “If you let me take care of you both tonight at least a few samples will be secured. Then, Sean, it’s up to you to handle the project books and research notes.”
“I’ll hide everything in the lining in my briefcase,” Sean said.
“And you think that’s secure enough?” Abraham asked.
Sean nodded. “I’ve done it before with no problem. If we get stopped it’s just papers and there’s nothing illegal about taking research materials out of the country. Only blood and human body parts are illegal.”
The conversation lulled a beat, then Helen challenged both men with her eyes. “So . . . is it a yes or no?”
Abraham drew in a breath and slowly let it out. “Godammit, Helen. It’s not that I doubt your skills or anything like that. It’s just the idea of it all. And my God, what if there’s a leak?”
“We’ve all seen what could happen if that occurs,” Helen said, and Sean nodded. “Of course, there’s always that risk.”
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